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How to get inspiration for Mother’s Day

How to get inspiration for Mother’s Day

Fittingly, Mothering Sunday (15th March) falls just a few days after International Women’s Day on the 8th. Both dates are cause for celebration we believe.
Whatever the occasion, you can’t really go wrong with a beautiful bunch of blooms… especially at the moment when we could all use their cheeriness. However, this particular Mother’s Day surely calls for a little extra something to convey the message of love and appreciation. We’re thinking jewelry… that should do it.

Of course, no two mother’s are alike – gathering together gem gifts to suit all mothers between the ages of 19 and 90 isn’t a simple matter. There are no patterns or formulas. Usefully, the most steely-hearted parent would (secretly) be touched by tangible evidence of their offspring’s appreciation and thoughtfulness.

A small selection of pretty pieces from our personalized jewelry – will, we hope, provide inspiration that combines lasting beauty and sentiment.
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